“To learn is to be alive. To help others learn is one of the great joys in life.”

Becky McCabe


  • Master of Science degree in Instructional Systems Design, Florida State University.

  • Bachelor of Science degree in Communications with a minor in Journalism from Florida State University (FSU) and Florida A & M University.

  • Associate of Arts degree, emphasis in Journalism, College of Central Florida.


  • Instructional design, needs assessment, course and program evaluation

  • Strategic planning

  • Business writing and editing

  • Emergency preparedness plan development

  • Emergency preparedness exercise development and facilitation

  • Interactive game development

  • Storyboarding and script writing for e-learning and educational videos

  • Narration

  • Classroom instruction: leadership, customer service, time management, emergency preparedness and public health, Myers-Briggs, writing and editing, and many others

  • Editing and publishing: managed e-commerce website for Red Dog Music Books, and edited all marketing copy. Edited Pearl Harbor and the American Experience.

  • Webinars: ICS in a Nutshell for Medical Reserve Corps volunteers

  • Incident Command System: ICS 300 and 400 instructor-led certified


The International Society for Performance Improvement

Amateur Radio Relay League: National Association for Amateur Radio


Born and raised in central Florida, I knew from an early age that I would attend Florida State University. After all, my mother taught me the FSU fight song when I was two. I wanted to become a doctor until I discovered that I faint at the sight of blood. So, I shifted my passion for photography into a new career goal: television. I loved learning how to shoot, edit, and narrate video

My dream of working in television production eventually came true with production assistant gigs on a few MTV Spring Break broadcasts. I spent a summer internship developing training videos for a large hospital. After graduation, I operated the Chyron (graphics) for the live Florida Lottery broadcasts.

But FSU’s lure wasn’t finished with me yet. As a new manager of the Learning Resource Center in the College of Education, I became fascinated with the projects students were working on in computer-based training. I discovered that FSU’s world-renowned Instructional Systems Design (ISD) program, and many of its pioneers, were based in the building where I worked.

Convinced this had to be fate, I was hooked - and graduated from that program two years later. A career of great adventures in training and course development has followed: for state government, public health, and currently National Parks.


I’ve been lucky to call the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia home for the past nineteen years. Most of my free time is spent outdoors, usually in a tent, kayak, or on a hiking trail somewhere in the mountains.