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Tell us a bit about your project. If it’s a small project that doesn’t require in-depth consultation or a detailed proposal, we can skip that step and dive right in. If you have more extensive needs, let’s find out more…

Initial Consultation

In any format that works best for you - a phone call, Zoom or Teams meeting, or a few emails - we’ll ask questions about your project to determine the next best steps, a timeline, and cost proposal.

What are your project goals and objectives? What is your deadline? What deliverables do you expect? How do you like to communicate with a consultant? How often do you expect status checks, and in what format? Do we have the skills and expertise your project needs?

After this consultation, we’ll create and send a written proposal within 5 business days.


We’ll propose a project schedule to include deliverables, draft a contract, and then roll up our sleeves to get to work!